Not your average turkey mount

Here at Brandywine Wildlife Artistry we we wanted to mix things up a bit add a little spice to the taxidermy world and start doing not-so-average taxidermy mounts. Well, a turkey foot is a great place to start for that. I was getting tired of the same old fan mounts and beard and spurs that all look the same so I called up my buddy Andy and asked him to make a few custom plaques for me. I just got back from my hunt down in Texas so I figured might as well have him make me a Texas state plaque to show off that Texas pride they are so well known for, as well as a few other smaller plaques. The smaller plaques are where the fun begins I decided I wanted to see my Texas bird, flipping the bird.

I am talking about middle finger turkey foot mounts. I decided to take some creativity and my taxidermy experience and put it to the test. I knew if you let a turkey foot dry out it would harden in that position. That’s just what I did, I wrapped up the foot and set it in position let it sit and before you know it the turkey middle finger mount was formed. So if this upcoming season you're looking for something a bit different we are now offering turkey middle finger mounts.

We hope to see you soon and enjoy the outdoors.

Tyler with BWA


Tough Start


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