How to restore antler color
There are a few different ways to restore antler color. No matter if it is a deadhead, sheds, or a euro mount that was whitened a bit too much. This is a quick and easy way to get the natural color back in your antlers. This process of antler color restoration should take less then 10mins. Here are my taxidermy tips on how to do so.
Check out my step-by-step video:
Here is what you will need.
· Wood stain
· Paper towel
· Steel wool
· Sandpaper
· Optional clear coat paint
Step one.
Crack open the wood stain try and match the color to the color you want the antlers to be.
Step two.
Take a paper towel and dip it into the can of stain and wipe the antler down.
Step three.
Once the antler is completely covered take a paper towel and wipe off all the excess.
Step four.
Take the steel wool and sandpaper to the antlers and brush over the areas that should be brighter. For example, the bases, tips, and any burs.
Optional step five.
Lightly spray a layer of clear coat over the antlers. If it is to glossy just take steel wool to it and brush it off.
The antlers should look good as new by this point. Hopefully this taxidermy tip helps you with your next project. If you have any questions feel free to reach out.