Whats New
Duck Taxidermy Prep
With duck season right around the corner I figured now would be a good time to five you a few tips on how to prep your bird for your taxidermist.
Giving back to our customers.
At Brandywine Wildlife Artistry, we are deeply grateful for your continued support and patronage. As a token of our appreciation, we strive to find meaningful ways to give back to our valued customers.
Biggest Buck Competition 2023/24 Season
We are starting a Biggest Buck Competition. Whoever brings in the biggest buck of the season will receive a $100 gift card to Brandywine Wildlife Artistry. All deer brought to us are eligible to enter this competition free of charge.
Enjoy the Journey
As a hunter there is something about Alaska that just draws your attention like nothing else. Maybe it’s the feeling of it being a truly wild place full of wild animals. Or maybe it’s being so far away from civilization that you feel like you’re traveling back in time to when frontiersmen traveled west. One thing is for sure Alaska is a place most hunters dream of going to.
Deer Season Prep
It's that time of year again when we begin preparing for the upcoming deer season at Brandywine Wildlife Artistry. There are a few important tasks we like to accomplish to ensure a successful and ethical hunting experience.
Out of Staters.
Well moral of the story is sometimes one’s persons success brings out others true colors and you learn who your real friends are. The out of state crew got it done on the first day all hunting together.
Tough Start
My first buck didn’t come easy at all. I hunted hard for 3 years in PA with no success. Then when I moved to Montana and started hunting out there as much as I could.
Giving Back
Brent and I got on a plane and headed down south to hunt some Rios. We arrived down in Texas and hit the ground running bright and early the next morning. We went with a semi guided outfitter so they just told us where the birds are and we do the rest. We walk down the gravel road and set up in a blind with roosts on each side.
Turkey Taxidermist Prep
Turkey fans are a great way to show off your trophy without spending a ton of money and taking up a ton of space. They also are great mounts because they can easily be customized and personalized to your stye
How to restore antler color
This is a quick and easy way to get the natural color back in your antlers. This process of antler color restoration should take less then 10mins. Here are my taxidermy tips on how to do so.
Stop the spread of CWD, out of state transportation guidelines.
Here is what must be done before bringing your meat and trophy into the state of Pennsylvania. This applies for the following animals Deer, Elk, Moose, and Caribou.
The Start Of Something New!
One thing I have noticed is I truly enjoy doing taxidermy work and I love seeing all the different animal’s people hunt and hearing their stories of the hunt. That is why I decided to open Brandywine Wildlife Artistry.